Monday, September 05, 2005

Does Space Stretch?

Here is my mind experiment: If you imagine space with nothing in it, except you (and your spaceship), logic tells us that this space would go on in every direction for ever. Now, if we added a place to go, we would have a set distance and direction that it would take to travel to it. But to take that object out of the picture again we would have to move it infinitely farther away from us because there is no other place to put it therfore to move something from a set distance to an infinte distance it takes infinite acceleration.

The space between objects in space increases logrythmicaly as the distance between increases.

It has been said that nothing can go faster than the speed of light but what is to stop the space in between
from expanding faster than that?

Could it be that space, in the absence of things grows to infinity?

This could explain why all the galaxys are flying apart at accelerating speeds and may end all the talk about dark matter.

Another idea another time. UBL